Go get out your pitchforks, I’ve done a sacrilegious thing. . .

. . . I’ve added an EQ!

A Loki Max to be exact - and so far, I love it!

I believe in the purist approach for the most part, and I have a main system that that’s all about, but this system, this is my fun house system, but my room acoustics are not great in my living room.  But that doesn’t mean I want crap sound in it either. The wife won’t let me treat the room, but frankly, that isn’t even the main reason I did it. 

The system is basically Klipsch Forte III’s, Balanced Audio VX 3ix pre-amp, ARC balanced V35 tube amp, Bifrost 2 DAC getting sound from a Marantz ND8006 streamer.  I put the EQ between the DAC and the preamp.

It’s dead quiet, and I can’t discern the difference in bypass mode either. 

I figured it’s was a lot easier, and cheaper, to add this one component and get the exact sound I want versus going through a bunch of cables or changing out other equipment. 

Soundstage is great, and there doesn’t paper to be any aberrations, but keep in mind this isn’t the most reveling system, another reason I wasn’t too worried about adding an EQ.

All in all, a good investment and make my music more enjoyable!




I guess I don't get it, equalizing system vs equalizing the recording. I don't need to equalize my system as it's voiced to my preference, the recordings another issue entirely.


I can't understand having this tool and then not using it for the greatest variable in one's system, the recording. As with some previous posters, it would drive me crazy having this tool to adjust for every recording, and not using it in this manner would make it worthless to me.

I don't know about others, but there is no way I'd go down the path of changing settings for different recordings. Who'd even give it thought?

Like some here have suggested you should have done several things before you tried the eq. First off, I would suggest demolishing one end of your house, then rebuild a room with soundproof double walls for a dedicated audio room with top notch wiring and electrical outlets, don't forget power conditioning. Then self flog for buying a house that didn't have the acoustically perfect room. The next step is to plaster all the rooms in your house, including your bathroom with sound absorption  panels. After this, self flog again. Now if no perfect sound from your audio rig, add hearing aids. Another self flog. The last step is the EQ.

Hey, if you’ve voiced your system and there is zero room for improving it or the room then I guess you’re lucky and will never need to upgrade. However, I’ve never been able to achieve perfection, but I got a whole lot closer with one component - go figure! And it only took 5 min.


also for those talking about adjusting for ever song, do you change out cables or equipment for every song?  You know you can just adjust it for best overall sound and forget it. Very easy!

My 2 cents on readjusting the EQ for different recordings - I've had little luck with that. I consider that a good thing. When I get the system response correct pretty much everything sounds better.