Do you consider cables to be a "component" of your system?

Meaning, do you think that cabling (AC/InterConnects/SpeakerWire) should be considered a component that is integral to your system?

I have probably as much money in cabling and fuses as I do in most of my components (if not more).

Please, please, PLEASE don't tell me that cables don't make a difference. I disagree and there's nothing you can say or do that will change my mind, so save it for another thread, please.

I just wondered if you had to recommend a set up to someone (who wanted a nice stereo), would you consider cabling to be essential in your build price and your recommendations? If so, would you consider the cost of the cables to be on par with the cost of a component?




If something is so iffy on validity I’m not interested. And certainly don’t waste my coin on things that don’t undeniably prove themselves. Sort of like that stupidity about teaching your hearing so that in time you can hear a difference…what ?? Shut the front door on that. 
Next thread 


@1971gto455ho -

"I drive Audis very expensive Audis"

You have good taste in automobiles! Not sure what your audio system consists of but... Have you ever tried aftermarket cables? If not, you should give it a try. Don't cheap out on them though... Let us know what audio equipment you're using & we can give you some recommendations. 

All the best to you

I guess it depends on your definition of a component. 

Does a component need to be powered so it does something?

Obviously pretty things sell, don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that.

Yeah, that must be it because if you think the crappy black PCs that come with most equipment sound good then the rest of us surely must be wrong and kidding ourselves if we hear improvements with more expensive cables. Silly us. 


For many reasons…I’ve vintage, and have been selectively buying. Now own Pristine second owner last model run Infinity IRS Beta speakers. Yamaha power PC5002m mid’s / high panels, PC4002M woofer towers. 4 x infinitesimal 0.2’s, Yamaha Pc2002m power. Well treated 22x36x8 room electrically well engineered. Many hours fine tuning…it’s a hum and noise free absolutely Clean sounding system. I’m not naïve there is better out there but man would you have to pay to duplicate the quality of sound here. Cutting off the hardwired hefty Commercial PC’s would be horrible and why ? 
