Best Phono Stage

Hi all,

I need some advise on a really good sounding phono stage to go with MC turntable set up in the $5k or so bracket. I am completely new to vinyl and realise there a lot here in terms of arm/cart matching MC,MM and I think moving iron but if you could point me in the direction of some good sounding units I can investigate compatibility etc. I don’t own a table or cart yet. I was looking at the Zesto Audio 1.2.

My goal is a liquid engaging sound with deep tight bass and air and separation on top.

Thanks in advance.



You should consider purchasing an Audio File or Stereo Review magazine for their issues on best equipment of the year. Listen to some who experienced reviewer vrs someone pushing what they have

Welcome to 1995....



Well @wolfie62 , you seem to be Mr. Deep Pockets. But you also had this to say:


To get really good, satisfying, enjoyable vinyl playback needn’t be expensive.


I have 18 turntables, all legacy designs. I have 130 vintage cartridges. I have 5,000 LPs.

Anyone who says you must spend $2K+ on a table, $2K+ on a cartridge, $2K+ on a phono pre,  $2K+ on a record cleaner, is high as a kite!

A vintage table of $400, a vintage cart of $200, hand cleaning your records, and using the built-in phono pre of a competent $300 vintage receiver is all you need to reap full enjoyment from a collection of vinyl.

Don’t overthink or over spend this. It just isn’t necessary.


Something seems rotten in the state of Denmark......


That was before I finished my project. Really before my settlement was finalized. 

I still have that equipment, in my old listening room. My, what a difference a settlement makes….. But I stand by what I said. Unless you have a quarter Mil laying around. Then diminishing returns are a perk!

My past boss used to say, "Put or shut up".  I always put up.

Come on wolfie62, time to put up.  And if all that you say is true, then good for you to have such a top-flight system.  I would enjoy seeing it posted.  It's always nice to learn from others just what they came up with for matching and synergy.