How Electricity Actually Works

In November of last year I posted a Vertasium YT vid titled "The Big Misconception About Electricity".  Well it caused quite a stir and like an arachnid had many legs many of which attempted to draw A'gonrs into the poison fangs!

Well, here is the follow-up to that original vid which caused quite a stir in the "intellectual" community as well.

Vertasium "How Electricity Actually Works".


This does have implications for our audio cabling...




As for going faster than the wind...this is another one that academicians love to state purposely vaguely to make you think they are cleverer than they are.  Your vector downwind can never be faster than the wind.  In fact it must be quite a bit less  than the wind. but if you go at a 45 degree angle to the wind, your forward velocith is 1.414 x your wind vector velocity.  So in a 12 mph wind with a 10mph velocity in the windward direction, your forward velocith with be 14.14 mph.  No there is not special bernouli equation that causes you to go faster than the wind, just like the lighting of the lightbult, even just a little bit, cannot happen faster than the speed of light.   --Jerry



Are you seriously telling scientists who have researched this, modelled it, simulated it, and know all the forces in detail of how this works, that they are wrong?

The "car" they made goes in exactly the same direction as the wind and goes 2.5 times faster than the wind. They are going down-wind at 2.5 times the wind speed.

The bernoulli forces are similar to a plane. Faster moving air is lower pressure. They create a low pressure so that the air on the opposite side pushes towards the low pressure area.

@deludedaudiophile Well, I’m a physicist so no, I’m not saying physicists are wrong. I’ll saying that some laypeople trying to understand physics haven’t gotten it yet.

BTW, I do know bernoulli’s equation. It is what makes a plane fly, it isn’t a magic equation that causes a sail to push the winds.

Good luck. Hope you find that physics teaching gig you’re looking for.


PS  Here is another physics demonstration you should appreciate, a ramp that shoots a ball higher than the ball was at the start.  



@carlsbad ,

BTW, I do know bernoulli’s equation. It is what makes a plane fly, it isn’t a magic equation that causes a sail to push the winds.

No luck needed. I have taught physics. At the university level. Technically I was just the TA, but I essentially taught a few courses.

Perhaps you need to read less and criticize more?

In the faster than wind car (in the direction of wind), the rotating propeller provides the speed differential between the car and the wind hence generating thrust beyond the speed of the wind.

And here, before you teach your next class, the physics of sailing.

p.s. I will take that apology at any time.

@deludedaudiophile I suggest you step away from the keyboard and go sleep off whatever you're drinking.  You're embarassing yourself.  Like how you messed up your attempted slam of me.

I hadn't seen the physics today article but want to compliment them in saying exactly what I posted above.  perhaps you didn't read what I wrote, or perhaps you don't understand the vector math explanation that i gave.  

But I'll be honest now. Give up on physics and find another job.  You need money to buy audio equipment.
