Phono stage price range 1500 to 2000 dollars.

Looking to upgrade my phone stage I have a tavish vintage. I am looking at black ice 159,Gold note PH-10 and pathos in the groove any help would be greatly appreciated.


Sutherland 20/20

the most silent phone stage you will encounter regarding noise 

from gain as a lot of other stages suffer from.  You can get a new one at the 

top of your budget. Super versatile loading for almost any cart


Good luck! Willy-T


i have gone through many over the years

the ones i have kept are the ayre p5xe and the lehmann black cube se2 and decade

solid state, plenty of gain, dead quiet, utterly trouble free, full loading options, clean/clear/vast image and ample speed/slam, non editorializing amplification.... 

Gold Note PH10 - amazing device with on the fly changes to equalization and cartridge settings for two different phono setups. I can't emphasize how great the equalization changes are - Decca, Columbia, and RIAA all sound quite different as laid down on the vinyl. You can then upgrade it down the road with the external PSU.