Mcintosh MDA 1000, world class or ..?

Not many discussions here at audiogon about this Dac, I wonder why? This dac is being raved all over at but I wonder how it compares to top contenders from Dcs, Meitner and Esoteric,etc.
I like Mac stuff IN ITS PROPER PLACE, particularly my new MC275 amp. But some of the Mac-folk on AK remind me a little bit of certain Fundamentalists, whose reality doesn't seem to extend much beyond McINTOSH ;--)

It's amusing to me, but they have no sense of humor about it. And though McIntosh has had a number of bombs, they stridently defend the brand. I'm not saying their DAC isn't any good, but before you believe the "raves" I'd do some A-B ing if I were you -- Mac-fundamentalists never A-B Mac equipment with other brands (why bother ;--)
The MDA1000 is an amazing DAC, I have not A/B compaired it to other DAC's but have heard other DAC's and do beleave it is one of the best. Using my preamp I have done A/B compairsons with the DAC in and out and there is a hugh difference, almost analog like. I will never trade mine for anything else. I like McIntosh gear but I like DIY better these days.

Thank you very much for the responses. I just want to explain my background. I have recently sold my Dcs Elgar/Purcell that I had been using for 7-8 years. At the time I bought them, they were the leader in upsampling technology and I lived happily with them for quite a long time. I need a new dac that improves on my Dcs but without the complication of the Elgar/purcell and all the cables involved(I also used the Apogee Big Ben which necessitate 5 aes-ebu to connect all of them)
Mark, could you give me more details about your a/b comparison test between Mcd 1000 and other dacs. Have you compared with Dcs?