Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



It is essentially a Groundmaster. I wanted one to have a filter before my second earth rod (and to give his a try) for my signal grounds


So, are your amps and subs signal negatives for sure not chassis?.

@bugredmachine could explain what a non A/C ground would look like connection wise on a component?  Would that only apply to two prong components?  Thanks

Fyi - I contacted RA to see if the RF Router Plug-in and the RF Router MkII box performed the same if you plugged the MkII in the wall and not connect it to a grounding rod.  They said the two would perform exactly the same.  Seems to me the MkII offers future flexibility and would take up less plug space.  


I am connecting only to the speaker banana/spades on my amps and the rca’s on my subs.

However, I do not think the Carver amps have a separate (3rd wire) ground on the AC line.


Some day I would love to try these Grounding cables out! (Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see info on their new "Ghost" Grounding cables. 

Grounding cable “Ghost” 1,5 m - 4 750 Euro

We do customize your grounding cables according yours specific needs, all sort of connectors are available.

Yes I do use their PSD and find it to be absolutely stunning in performance.

(Dealer disclosure) 

The Bricasti dac I use does not connect the outer shell of the RCA's and XLR's to the power ground pin on the power cable. So they are only signal grounds.


On my amp, the case, XLR's and power input ground pin are all the same, so there is no chance of having a signal-only "ground" unless my device is a dead end box with magic crystals and does not connect to ground.


Ozzy, have you put your ohmmeter across the rca's of your sub and the power pin of the iec for the power cable? If there is a short, then the RCA's are connected to ground via the power cable. In that case, trying to connect the grounding box to a outlet ground would create a loop.