What is your favorite cover?

There are many great covers, such as Mr. Tambourine Man,by the Byrds.  I'm curious about everyone's favorite.


Not my personal favorite, but surprised that no one has thrown out the obvious “Respect” by Aretha.  

i think the Ramones are the greatest cover band and there are many to choose from.  How about Let’s Dance. Or Substitute?


Here’s a Bowie cover I like (my wife discovered/purchased the CD).





@hanfrac - one of my very fave covers is the Ramones doing ’SURFIN’ BIRD’!!!!

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Mow Mow, Pa Pa Oo Mow Mow Mow

THAT always got a mosh pit going!!!!

Joan Jett’s cover of “I Wanna Be Your Dog” by Iggy & The Stooges.  She’s at her snarliest, makes the song totally her own, and somehow it seems even more transgressive than Iggy’s version, which is saying something

@tony1954 + 1 on the Johnny Winter track, it just shreds

One more;

Heroes - Peter Gabriel (amazing version and beautifully recorded)