Mcintosh MC462 versus Luxman M10X

I recently bought the mcintosh mc462 along with the mcintosh preamp mc53. After experiencing the Luxman CD player DX03 DAC in the system, I am falling in love with the Luxman brand.. Am I doing the right thing switching the mc462 to a Luxman M10x? Any advice would be very helpful.. 


Since you are already falling in love with the Luxman DAC, I'd bet that you'd be very happy upgrading to the M10X.  I had an MC452, had a Luxman M600a, auditioned the M900u, and currently own an M800a.  I really liked the MC452.  I could live with it forever if I had to.  Their autoformer amps have a distinct tone and texture that I find very enjoyable, natural, and unique.  That said, if I put on my audiophile hat, I find that the Luxman gear is just more refined and nuanced with more detail, air, microdynamics, speed, but also gorgeous tone.  There are many lifelong diehard Mac fans, but the praise is more about musicality than technical prowess, so I think it depends on the kind of audiophile you are.  Since you like your Magico speakers a lot, I think you will really appreciate what the Luxman gear brings to the table.

Also agree that Mac isn't well regarded for their source components.  I had a C8 pre with DA2 and found the DAC section to be okay, a decent implementation of the Sabre chip, but nothing to write home about.  

Thank you Eugene!! This message hit me at the right time.. I am a bundle of nerves and giddy with excitement.. I have the audition tomorrow at my dealer for the C900U connected to the M10X (The first and only demo unit that they got on Tuesday) hooked up to the A3. On top of that, I'll be  bringing the C900U for a home trial in my system, If all goes well, I'll be swapping the C53 for the C900U and the 462 for the M10X. Both units are less than 5 months since I bought them, and the dealer provides a trade up 100% for any unit I buy from them within a year as long as its twice the price. Of course the M10X I'd have to wait as it would have to be ordered. And I really appreciate your kind balanced words that helps me re-enforce how I am approaching this. With Mcintosh I have the MA352 also recently bought and I love that, and I'll continue to enjoy that and I'll not ever trade that one in. It might be the tubes that makes it sound so pleasing.  How do you like the M800a? what speakers do you drive? Will let you all know how it turns out.. Wish me luck :) Thanks again... 


I will be powering a pair of B&W 802D3s with the new system. As far as speaker burn-in, along with system burn-in. I believe I needed at least 200 hrs. The results were dramatic, at least a 200% improvement.

Good luck with your audition! A word of advice, the new Luxman system should blow away the McIntosh system (as it should, almost 3X cost), so it is not a fair comparison. You should have some more fun and then compare Luxman to a system similarly priced. Let your ears be the judge!!

@jeffreyw Thanks!! Other systems the dealer carries, Boulder and Audio Research.. 



Just curious where you feel the build quality differences are between the 462 and the Luxman gear.

Mc462 is an extremely powerful, and contrary to others beliefs, neutral amp.  I find it more neutral than my previous Pass Labs.  It’s built damn well, like all McIntosh gear.  McIntosh gear wouldn’t last so long, if it wasn’t built so well and with excellent quality.  

Now my C2700, not as neutral.  But, I knew that getting into tubes.

I’m sure the Luxman gear is also well built, as the examples I have seen and heard are also well built.

Sound different - absolutely.  Both excellent.  But to say Luxman’s build quality is better than McIntosh… not sure I would agree.