b&w suggestions

Hello and good day to audiogon...

i currently have, for my home theater, full 804s speakers. front and rears and the htm3s center.

i find this an excellent surround system.

my question... since i never seem not to have the change it around bug... is would it be worth it to find 803s fronts for the same system? or possibly some older 802's for the front.

but then i wonder how will the center match up with the older 802's. i am pretty confident that the 803s speakers would match up with my center.

so any thoughts? or should i leave well enough alone?

thanks and have a great weekend
On the good side, looks like the 804s will sell pretty good and that will help buy any others. so there is that.
Post removed 
This is in my home theater set up. not much music at all being played through them. 804s are all around... was wondering for the front sound stage.
