Power Amp Question

Question: how to match a power amp to my system using an integrated amp as a preamp.


Triad Gold LCR In-Room Speakers 4-OHM 100-400 watt

Audio Tecnica AT-OC9XL Dual MC cartridge

NAD C356 integrated amp

Rega Aria MK3 (recently added)


Thank You





     IF your question is how to use your NAD integrated as a preamp only: there should be two links (rectangular, black plastic covered) between the C356's rear PRE OUT 2 and MAIN IN RCA jacks.

     Remove those and simply plug a pair of interconnects, between the PRE OUT 2 jacks and your new amp's input jacks.

     If your desire is to add a second amp: use interconnects from PRE OUT 1, to that amp and leave the PRE OUT 2/MAIN IN links alone.

@rodman99999  I understand much better now, thanks.  If I go with the C356 and a power amp or a preamp upgrade and power amp, how do I match my speakers?


Right now I need more power IMO.