Lyra Lambda Atlas/Etna

i currently play multiple cartridges; within my system, my go-to cartridge (vs LPS, XV1S) ends up being my Transfiguration Proteus which has a fair amount of life left.  I am debating sitting tight or can anyone please provide insight if they have ever compared a Proteus to the Etna or Etna Lambda?  I recognize Atlas is in a different swim lane, but any comparisons there?  I am currently running an ARC Ref 3SE phono- Thanks 


Dear @post2338  : Not at the same time but I heard in the same system the Lambda Etna and the Proteus and I don't know other gentlemans but overall the Proteus is better quality performer but when you are talking of these kind of quality sound levels is not something very easy a veredict.


Proteus is a today winner and a keeper cartridge and maybe you could find out second hand the special D version.

Anywa, a good re-tipper could change in specific the stylus tip on your sample with out touching any other cartridge part but maybe a check up on the cartridge suspension. Stay with and forgeret Lyra but it's your money and your choice.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


Not familiar with your current cartridge but my Lyra Atlas SL completely changed my system. But I believe the Etna is close for les $.