The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


In terms of application, what component(s) get the purple fuse? I read above DAC/CD/Streamer....but no one mention putting one in their power conditioner.  I have a Transparent PI8 that all of my other components (except power amps) plug into first.  Logically, wouldn't this be the place to start since it where ALL AC enters my system.  I would obviously also use them in amps, which are plugged into dedicated/ conditioned wall outlet.

Do y'all think using one in the PI 8 would have any effect?

+1 @tommylion,

If you're still not sure you could also start at your amplifier/receiver/integrated amplifier at the main power with only one first, the one that’s in, or very near, the power cord inlet.

“....but no one mention putting one in their power conditioner. I have a Transparent PI8 that all of my other components (except power amps) plug into first. Logically, wouldn’t this be the place to start since it where ALL AC enters my system.”

Makes sense, if my power conditioner had a fuse, that’s where I’d start. All the components plugged into it should benefit.

My Audioquest Niagara 5000 doesn't have any fuses. I started with my dac. Then the cdt. Last was my amp. But starting with a purple fuse in the power conditioner makes a lot of sense to me.

Here’s the thing about fuses, I don’t like them in general. They’re designed to break, on purpose, to protect us and our property from catastrophic events. Like RCA connectors, they are not an ideal solution. Fuses, in their standard form, are detrimental to good sound. I’m sure there are better solutions out there.


However, again like RCA connectors, they are a standard that is almost universal in home audio equipment. If we want that protection from catastrophic events (which I sure do), we are pretty much stuck with them. Given that, I am grateful there are entrepreneurs out there who are willing to put their money and reputation on the line to develop and provide less detrimental (or even beneficial) fuses for home audio.