The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


I posted a video, you wanna watch it... great. If not....don’t. Don’t come at me like I owe you something.

You want me to summarize the entire electric Universe model for you in a post? Summarize and hour and 30 minutes worth of evidence for you?

How about you prove Quantum Mechanics to me. On demand, in a 140 characters and less.....Prove it!!!


You need the first video so you have some context as to what the other ones are talking about. There is over a 1000 hours of give you evidence out of context, would be like me speaking to you in Latin.

If you are not interested in spending time to explore these ideas, I can't help you. There is no context in modern science that will help, or information that will make the transition any easier. 

There are no shortcuts, you have to listen to the videos in a series, and go along on that journey. 

I find the videos extremely entertaining, even outside of their scientific purview. 

The hard science videos are catalogued in a different series, if you are interested past these ones. 

@millercarbon These are just some of the top comments on the first video. I feel exactly the same way, that this is one of those must watch pieces of work, whether you agree or disagree at the end of watching it, you will never encounter this information anywhere else. It is if nothing else, just an incredibly wild ride.

Again, before i get attacked for shilling for this stuff, I am definitely not doing that. Coming across this work for me was one of those incredible Aha moments in my life, I have no other  agenda, or reason to post this here. 


(1st)"I stopped drinking because of this video on February 19, 2014. This video made me stop being a worthless drunk and I pulled myself together and have been on a quest from that very day. I am a father and a husband of 18 years ,happily and content, ALL because of this movie. Thank you David for your work, and for my marriage? I will continue to live a life of balance in honor of your gift of knowledge to us all."

(2nd) "I don’t say this lightly... This is easily one of the greatest videos I have ever seen--period. Several people close to me know that I have been driven by a need to find the truth, because everything I have been taught never seemed to fit together as it should if it were the truth. For the first time in my life, I feel like I’m finally learning something that makes sense from a logical and physical perspective."

(3rd) "This video has changed my life. I first watched it two years ago and I have never looked back. There is simply no trouble explaining any question I can form with the Electric Universe model. It is the most profound work I have ever encountered in my life. I truly feel like a part of something greater than myself because of this information. Thank You."

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So the Electric Universe is nothing but a cult. After reading some of their mythology that's  what I thought. Promoting Cults should be a definite nono on this site. Please remove this nonsense. If not volutarily the moderators should. 

Hi sure hope that time travel becomes feasible so I can get that hour back...

The only thing life changing about that video is I could have been doing something more productive instead of watching it.

Like hitting myself in the head with a rubber mallet.

There’s a reason it’s called Mythology.

Plus, those 'comments' are over the top ridiculous.