The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


Showing 28 responses by djones51

You watched that YouTube video and came away with the notion power cords  and cable elevators make audible differences in stereo systems? Seriously?

Current doesn't flow in the fields it flows in the wire pushed by the fields. 

However given human nature there are those who will tell you with conviction that they are immune to biases that affect all humans, they are special golden ear humans. 

The video isn't relevant to lumped circuits, speakers wires, interconnects etc..




It's really disheartening to read these ridiculous conspiracy theory nonsense here. Electric universe? Seriously? 



The electric universe notion is as whacked as a flat earth. You’d have to reject almost everything we’ve discovered and tested for centuries, even Newton’s gravitational laws. Even discussing this is nuts.

I believe it was Sagan who said , it's good to have an open mind but not so open your brains fall out. 

So the Electric Universe is nothing but a cult. After reading some of their mythology that's  what I thought. Promoting Cults should be a definite nono on this site. Please remove this nonsense. If not volutarily the moderators should. 

This thread  is turning  new age blather and pseudo science gobbledy gook . When you're worm food your consiousness goes poof. Learn to live with it and get over the idea humans are special we're insignificant organisms on an insigficant planet in one of billions of galaxies. 

Uh, those rockets and computers are using mathematics of the gravitational model to get there, we don't just send a spacecraft into space without a guidance system.  Without Newton's laws there's no way other then the point and guess method. 

This is rich, we use mathematics of the gravitational model to send spacecraft that takes photographs of a hexagonal storm on Saturn that disproves the gravitational model?

Yes, because the Mass of the Earth is greater than an Apple, black holes exist whether you want to believe they do or not. The universe doesn't give a crap about what makes sense to one species on one rocky planet. Get over it we humans are not that special or important. 

I think you flunked your own logic class.  Computers plot the course using mathematics of the gravitational model. The working model we have of the universe not some idiotic electric nonsense. GPS works based on the same gravitational model  not  Electric Universe pseudo science.

When scientists come across unexplainable they look for answers. I wonder has science stood still since 2017? Toss up their hands and give up? Very curious,  could there be more about iPTF14hls, have other astrophysicists been studying this mystery? Maybe science stood still and wrote this up to electric universe "theory", is that term  even applicable ? 

That's right they don't know what it is,   they're still investigating. That's one of the great things about real science, "We don't know" is a valid answer and spur. 

I guess the Electric Universe takes a backseat to fun Covid stuff. I don't think Quanta magazine stuck their neck on a guillotine with thie article, it's not as if the info in it isn't known or controversial.

I've had 3 shots, took the Flu vaccine same time as the last one. My hearts so friggen large my MD said anymore and they will have to start taking out some of those useless organs to make room. 

Robert Kennedy Jr., not Robert Kennedy,  His father Robert Kennedy wasn't an anti vax nutcase. 

How does this Electric Universe idea account for nuclear weapons anyhow? Shouldn't we be shooting huge electric beams or something?