Preamp recommendations for my system please

I think it’s now time in my audio journey to find a quality preamp. A pair of JC1 monoblocks are driving Wilson Yvette. dCS Bartök is ordered and will be my digital side (with a Roon Nucleus). Luxman PD171-A with Jelco 850 tonearm and Hana ML cart, with a Channel D Lino C 2.2 phono stage, on the analog side. 


I’d like the preamp to be truly balanced. Needs two pair of balanced/XLR inputs (phono stage and steamer/DAC). Under $10K if at all possible. My short list includes:


Audio Research LS28

Audio Research Ref 6SE (used only and still probably a stretch)

Ayre Acoustics KX-5 Twenty

Backert Labs Rhythm 1.3 

Parasound JC2


You’re going to ask me what I’m looking for in a preamp. Beyond what I’ve mentioned, I honestly don’t know. I’m open to all suggestions. I appreciate the help of this forum. Thank you. 


Well, as an owner of an ARC REF 6SE, no question that would be my recommendation. It's the cost is a bit too high just buy a Ref 6... or Ref 5SE. I owned a REF 5SE for many years... the 6SE sounds better... but I would prefer that to anything else. This is what Audio Research is known for... You have some great components... the preamp is at the center of it all... it is critical to get this right. The ARC is highly detailed, natural sounding with exceptional midrange bloom and detailed bass. 

I would be looking for features desired. Good preamps are nuetral to let the music shine through.


@arcticdeth - phono stage has balanced output and the streamer/DAC, so I need two balanced inputs on a preamplifier. Ruled out Sugden Masterclass for that reason.