Looking for a SS integrated Amplifier recommendation going into a new system

While waiting for a new speaker delivery, I have some time to start looking for a SS integrated amplifier, and hoping for some recommendations.

The speaker to pair with is Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower with RAAL tweeter option that is around 91dB efficient, and the room size is 12x18x8.  I mostly listen to classical, jazz, female vocal, and the listening level normally is around 85dB, occasionally go up to 90dB.

I originally was looking for class-A integrated amplifier, but now would like to open the possibility to class-A/B as well to see what will be a good match for this new system I am putting together.

knotscott said what I was thinking to ask: have you ever tried tubes?

I would also think about features: remote volume; remote balance; tone controls. depending on your habits, a 'loudness' circuit for boosting bass when listening at low volumes;

for future flexibility, you might want pre-in. that could be used for anything with it's own volume control.

and, consider future use with a stereo pair of subs. you would want pre-out and main in so both the amp and the main speakers get relieved of low bass production
SS with highs not rolled off?  Fast and articulate? Non abrasive and immersive?  Audionet Watt.
Thinking Long, future options, I might make a short list of integrated amps that also had HT Bypass INPUT. You never know .....

Move, get tubes some day, new speakers, ...

That would allow this current unit to preform ’front stereo’ work in a Video System, working separately as 2 channel music or together with an AVR that has front pre-out.
The Luxman 590AXII is a very nice unit and will be able to meet your needs with the speakers you mentioned under most situations.
What is the size of your listening room?
I own a Luxman 590AXII and like it very much, I have not heard what other Luxman integrated A/B units sound like compared to the 590AXII.
I have the RAAL SR1a headphones and have tried a lot of amps with the RAAL. The very best by far was the KRELL K-300i.

First 90 watts in Class A. Huge bass and so smooth. Look at what Stereophile says about this unit and compared to the Boulder 866 and a few others.