Supply chain affecting anyone?

Just found out from my dealer that my Sonus Faber speakers won’t deliver until early January (ordered in early October). For reference, he says it normally takes 2-3 weeks. 
Same here. Ordered Rockport Avior ii two weeks ago. January delivery. But the Boulder 866 to go with them is supposed to be here next month! 😃. 
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@artemus_5  my dealer was up 300% in 2020, so yes demand is indeed higher than average.  It’s fair to be concerned about the future but you’re making connections that simply aren’t true.  
I repair medical equipment,  sourced from everywhere in the world and most vendors are backordered until February or April.   Parts are a problem,  existing stock is gone and no telling when those shelves will be stocked again.   Six month wait for some parts ....its bad
I’m updating my music room to set up the audio system i had in college. I need a new audio rack, some cables, etc. I’m shopping on-line and only looking at items that say ’in stock’ before I purchase.
On another note, the car lots are incredibly empty now. I had my car serviced last week and the Honda dealership’s lot had about 12 cars. Really sad.