On ''what there is''

The question looks ''philosophical'' in the sense of ''what exist?''. In the old terminology ''ontology question''.
The modern formulation (by Quine) is: ''what are the values of your variables''? In our hobby ''what are
the new available components''?  Can one person know what are available components? Obviously not
but we have ''collective knowledge''. Each contribution is welcome. Like in science. But like in science there
are individuals with special contributions. Raul with his MM contributions and his ''successor'' chakster
with his contributions about ''both kinds'': MC's and MM's. Despite his ''modest means''. I think we should
be thankful to have such individuals.
Everybody IS a philosopher but the most think that philosophy is
a kind of profession. Say the opinion about people: the good and
the bad one, rude kind nice kind , poor and rich , etc,. etc, This
 then can be called ''social philosophy''.
''Don't please mention politicians''.  Well this than   is ''political
philosophy''. One can't watch ''the world around him''  without 
forming some opinion about what one has seen  with his own
eye and ''elaborated '' with his own brain. 
This explains so many participants in this thread. Even the ''real
philosopher'' as those who think to hate ''philosophy''; the ''dark
Matter'' kind. 
Except those  who like ''borders  between categories'' the strict
followers of the rules ..'' It is not 'deed' Nandric ''but did''. Aka
''grammar rules'' but nearly nobody mentioned ''poor grammar''
with  only ''S'' (subject) the ''IS'' ( connector) and ''P'' (  the
predicate). How many ''issues'' can't be expressed with such
poor base with only  3 words  grammar ? 
The Germans have the most philosopher in the world with
possible exception of the ''old Greek''. What is however very
strange is their opinion about them: ''there is nothing more
easy than to refute an philosopher . The only thing one need
to do is to tread some other''. 
Philosophy is the love of thought. A philosopher enjoys exercising the intellect. It is fun, but even children’s games have rules. Even children lose patience and get upset when you try and break the rules. Don’t say deed for did, they are two completely different things.

A deed is an act. Deed is present tense. Did is past tense. The deed is done. He did it.

Grammar is the way we structure our language. Since we have no way of communicating what we think other than with words it is essential we follow the rules of grammar. Otherwise, if we don’t follow the rules we risk writing gibberish no one can even begin to understand.
How many ’’issues’’ can’t be expressed with such
poor base with only 3 words grammar ?

See what I mean?
The Germans have the most philosopher in the world with
possible exception of the ’’old Greek’’. What is however very
strange is their opinion about them: ’’there is nothing more
easy than to refute an philosopher . The only thing one need
to do is to tread some other’’.
Like the history of music, or of any art, or any histories of any other cultural activies which deevelop his own temporal scale, history of philosophy mirror the history of consciousness...

In this consciousness collective history, each philosopher is indispensable and necessary to consider if we want to understand the scopes and perspectives present in each era...

Then the main point is not a futile and sometimes childish refutation of each philosopher but the crucial understanding of his role and place in this history of consciousness.... What illustrate and reveal about human consciousness this philosopher perspective in all history....

Embedding any philosopher in the multidimensional history of philosophy and consciousness is analogous of the way we must embed any audio specific pieces of gear in their 3 working dimensions...

i cannot resist to make this analogy.... 😁😊

Grammar is the way we structure our language.
I lived through 2 intellectual and almost spiritual ectasy in my life...

The discovery of the distribution of prime numbers...But this is another story...

And the deep meaning behind ANY "apparently arbitrary" rule of grammar...

People who think that grammar of any language is arbitrary are deluded or ignorant of linguistic...Grammars mirror completely the neuro activity of our brain in a different mode of expression in each culture...

i cannot vouch too much for Gustave Guillaume psychomechanic of language and discourse.... Alas! only in french....

Grammar is boring if we stay at his surface level, in his deep internal mechanism it is like a LSD trip in a higher mathematic....

It takes a genius to guide us.... Guillaume is certainly one in more than 40 books.... If you read french try it....

For me there is 2 levels in language dynamic genesis:

The deep motivation of sound-speech on one unconscious level on a long time scale in relation with words construction and formation and the " feeling" aspect of human constitution ..

And a corresponding relative demotivation of the sound speech which correspond to what we describe generally as sentence "grammar" in a more conscious level corresponding to the " thinking" aspect of human constitution...

The 2 opposite mechanisms work together on 2 levels...This idea is mine, not strictly in Guillaume like i expose it here... But it gives the flavor of my reflection...

These 2 levels could be resumed in a simplest way if you remark that they match and correspond to poetic mode working and the prosaic mode working of language....

Now for the REASON to be REASON these 2 working mode are necessary if not, human degenerate into irrational animal or so called "rational" machine....

 Then to be "human" is being able to create and accomodate together all derivative modes of these 2 archetypal symbolic matrix and modes : the poetic and the prosaic in language...