If Power Cords Don't Matter...

First of all, I don’t own any high-end power cords, mostly because I can’t fit them behind my rack. Second, I am not trying to stir up controversy, as you will see from my question. I understand that the people who believe power cords make no difference argue that once the power gets into the component, the AC is converted to DC and the power supply of the component takes over completely. I think I have that right for the most part. So it that’s true, and it probably is from a traditional EE standpoint, why is it that I have not heard anyone say that power conditioners make no difference? I am not aware of anyone with a decent system ever saying that a Niagara or Triton or Audience teflon conditioner didn’t affect their sound, for good or for bad. So if the EE theory is true, wouldn’t power conditioners make no difference either? I have an Audience AR6T for almost 10 years and I think it made a big difference. BTW - I am not talking about Power Plants, which deal with voltage stabilization, which is a different topic.  Obviously, if your AC voltage is way off, it's going to cause problems.  
$749 World Class 6’ power cord compares to the competition at under $10,000.00 Yeah! Really 

Yeah, really. $749 is "under" $10k. So is $50. So is zero. "World class" merely means compared to all free power cords made anywhere in the world. "Compares to" means "compares to" not better, just that you can compare them.   

The ad in other words says absolutely nothing. All it does is play on the readers susceptibility to emotional appeals.   

The "placebo" canard plays on fears just the same only different. Try and be a little more detached, and I think you will find the logic easier to process.
DIY.....Make your own, so you can experiment with all sorts of different cables and different constructions. Grab cheap Copper Electrical cables from Home Depot and try them out for yourself.
Solid Copper cables in a litz construction sound very balanced, and cost of assembling one is about 60 dollars, for a 10 foot cable.
Fuse box to outlets, 150-200 feet of cheapo 20ga standard electrician wiring, yet a 500$ 1-2 foot cable will make the instruments float on a magical imaginary cloud of bunny farts, to your ears,which will send you into a musical epiphany and rapture will consume the earth. 
  Take your hard earned money and buy more music, or speakers, cartridges, new CD player, or dac.
don’t waste your money on a 2 foot shielded cable. 
Try and be a little more detached, and I think you will find the logic easier to process.

^“Detached” sometimes is followed by the phrase “with reality”.^
But I am happy to move from emotion to reason.
Perhaps with the measurements of the noise spectrum at the end of a good and a bad cord?
If the cord is really better, then one would suspect that all the untoward frequencies are sneaking into the device would vanish?
And one would also suspect that the 50 or 60 Hz would be booming out of the device if its power supply was not removing it.

But most of the power supplies are supplying DC.

I guess we can blame Westinghouse power for not having DC to DC?.