
I’ve read of views on whether amp fuses impart any sound quality or coloring. I had a recent experience that has made me re-think my views (fuses do not affect sound) and wondered if others had a similar experience. 
I have a Line Magnetic integrated amp. After heavy regular use for over 5 years, one day it just wouldn’t power up. After checking the power supply, I assumed it must be a blown fuse. I recalled that Line Magnetic sent with the amp two replacement fuses of the same type/quality that was pre-installed. I dug out one of them from storage, replaced the fuse and the amp powered up normally. 

What surprised and delighted me was the change in sound with the replacement fuse. Fuller bass, more detail and more warmth. I have rolled the tubes several times in the amp, and am attuned to the subtle changes that can make. Popping in a fresh fuse seems to have had a similar affect. And these appear to be cheap fuses, available for a few dollars at most. I don’t think I understand any of this. 
@mitch2,  thanks for the thoughtful post. I attempted awhile ago to put something up but could not find how to do it. I have right now clicked on my profile but see no mention of 'Audiogon Virtual System'. Can you assist please?

To some geniuses "Science" only means some corporations hiring a team of "experts", who do a bunch of measuring, poking, prodding....etc etc etc.
when they scream science, they mean "Mega Corporate Science"... Unless you have Billions of dollars backing up your point of view, that view is not valid, no matter how much anecdotal, or personal evidence you might have.
It’s a religion of "Mega Corporate" Science worship, only extremely well funded Priests in white robes need apply, and their proclamations can never be challenged by the likes of us non sanctioned fools.
Corporations are the Church....and Science is the new Holy Spirit. One cannot exist without the other.

They forget that nearly every major invention of the 19th and 20th century was made by some dude in his garage. with the mindset these people have, planes, telephones, computers, radios, TVs, cars, phones, lights, electricity would never have been invented or discovered.

"If you cannot measure it....it does not exist."
Albert Einstein

Actually these are the real quotes

„The mere formulation of a problem is far more often essential than its solution, which may be merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination and makes real advances in science.“ — Albert Einstein

„One thing I have learned in a long life: that all our science, measured against reality, is primitive and childlike—and yet it is the most precious thing we have.“ — Albert Einstein

@MC, when you selected the Path resistors had you made any comparisons with the likes of Duelund or Mundorf?  I have tried some different ones and settled on Powertron by Vishay. Rated at 3W or 30W when mounted on a small heatsink. Clean, detailed and very dynamic but have not compared them to the 3 mentioned above.  It seems even experienced DIYers seldom bother with resistors which I find surprising.


The Powertron may also be causing an upper midrange glare. I have little time at the moment to experiment further not to mention the mess changing caps makes to a carefully constructed XO. 
Albert Einstein formulated the " cosmological constant "
and yet today we know that not only is it expanding but
it is also expanding at a faster rate rather than slowing down ,
something that defies physics as we know it !

So when one asks for help or an opinion about our hobby 
it is disappointing that the discussions seem to expand into 
back and forth childish behavior .

You either hear a difference or you don't period !
Say so and move on .

Glad to help.
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