Cocktail Audio Firmware Update Issues

Greetings all,

Anyone have any experience with logging into TIDAL directly from their Cocktail Audio streamer? I understand that there is a ne log-in protocol for Tidal users on Cocktail products and that the new Firmware is R1688, but has not been released on their web-site yet. To my knowledge, the last update was R1530.

Any thoughts or experiences anyone can share?



Yes, Tidal runs on Android. I use it on both my Samsung G20 and Tablet 5SE without any issues. My real problem is that it does not allow me to login to Tidal directly from the Cocktail Audio X-45.

I hope this helps.


@stevre I have the same issues can’t update my software 
The current version on my X45 is 1530
cant login to built in tidal 
if you fine any solution pls update us  
Op can you the links where do you download the new software (R1688) for your X45 ?
Good morning everyone. Here is the response I just received form Novatron regarding the TIDAL issue:

We will not upload R1688 to our website. But, as we are now working to add more features to our software. So, we will upload higher version to our website within October.

I sent a follow-up inquiry asking if they will be including the TIDAL fix in the higher version that they state will be issued in October (This year?).

These are the instructions that Novatron provided in their response.

1.  Tidal login method was recently changed. You need to log in two times.

First log in, please do it at our device setup as you have done before, and then, please do 2nd log in at your mobile device with our MusicX NEO app.

This is a mandatory process by Tidal to strengthen the security of user accounts.

You can download the MusicX NEO app(the latest version v1.0.18) from the App store.

And, your device firmware should be based on R16XX version.

If your X45 has R1530 or R15XX firmware, you should update with R1688.

2.  You can download the R1688 firmware like below.

As we haven’t uploaded it to our website, please download R1688 firmware from our webhard like below, and update it with a USB memory stick manually.


-  ID : novatron /   PW : 0000

- Please go to “Download Only” folder, and go to “New DB Firmware” folder (password : 4579)

3.     New Music database(R16XX firmware)

We improved the Music database system of R15XX firmware(old music database) to New music database system from R16XX firmware.

If you want to update to R1688 from R15XX(old music database), please read the attached New Music DB manual carefully.

Good morning everyone,

Update as of : Cocktail Audio just released a new firmware R1721 update (likely for all models). I installed the update last night and it fixed my Tidal Music login issues. I am now up and running once again. 

Please refer to the footnote at the bottom of the notes regarding Tidal Music and how to login.

Best to all and Cheers,
