American Audio

Even if audio is a global thing, good ’ole USA is still there:

PS Audio -not terribly expensive, excellent-sounding gear
Benchmark, Sanders -innovative amps, no nose-bleed prices
Cables/cords -Transparent, High Fidelity, Synergistics, Cardas, Kimber, Audioquest. More brands than anywhere on Earth.
Klipsch, JBL -still after 75 years, horns no longer ’sound’ like horns
Emerald Physics/Spatial -new takes on horn/waveguides. Like Klipsch, all-American incl parts
Vandersteen, Joseph, Ryan -the cone speaker keeps getting better
Component/speaker stands -Symposium, Critical Mass, Star Sound
ASC -room acoustics

It’s a confusing world of ear-buds, computer & car audio. And tech-general like the internet. But quality 2-chan audio is around and it’s more than I thought....

ECM jazz via Roon/Qobuz. Thanks. This is our little support group! I am giving my Raven a rest and using my PrimaLuna (not American) Dialogue Premium HP with the stock EL34s to give it a workout. I am excited because I pulled the trigger and got 8 KT150s for it and am anticipating the advertised big difference (I hope). They are on the way. This is on my Magico A3/Aperion SuperTweeter/REL T9i system. 
Don’t forget the Canadians (we’re "North" American eh):

Kronos Audio
Hansen Audio
Resonessence Labs
MOON by Simaudio
Space Tech Laboratory
Totem Acoustic
NAD ( Canadian based development team )
Don't forget Fritz speakers. Made in California. Can compete with Salk all day long.
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@tunehead 1+ on our friends to the North!

My Canadian gear:

Bryston (big 28B3 monoblocks for my Maggies) and BP-17 cubed preamp (for sale <shameless plug>)
Simaudio Moon (one of my phone preamps and practically a collectors item: 310LP with 320S outboard power supply connected with a Revelation Audio Lab power umbilical).
Mye Sound (maker of Mye Stands for Magnepans)