Wilson Audio sophia 3 or Watt Puppy 6

hi evry one i am not american so sorry 4 my english.
I have now a pair of Watt Puppy 6 running with a Moscode 600
i love my system i love the music it creates,
however i may have a chance to upgrade to a pair of new sophia 3.
ps my 6's are at least 20 years old and in good running condition.
please share your thoughts on this possible upgrade.
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Not much difference IMO between 7s and 8s. The 8s were mostly about replacing the lead damping internally to comply with EU lead free specs. However, the Sashas are significantly better. Smoother bass, the mid bass hump some say were Wilson's weakness in the WP line has been eliminated and the treble is very smooth.If you can afford the Sashas, no question.
No question, Sophia 3, all the way.

Sophia 1 was better than W/P6
Sophia 2 was better than W/P7
Sophia 3 is better than W/P8

And, yes, I have extensive listening experience, in a variety of systems, of all of these combinations.

Thanks for your response. I've listen to Sasha's several times and to my ears they are significantly better than Sophia 3s. Sasha's just do something that Sophia 3sjust can't do. I'm just trying to exhaust all less expensive options prior to getting Sasha's. My wallet just doesn't like what my ears are telling me!


I notice that you compare Sophia IIIs to Sasha's.
I think it might be hard going from the WP bass to any Sophia!!! I picked the WP 8 over the Sophia 3 for the bigger tighter low end. I had an opportunity to buy a friends WP 7 at a great price but liked the WP8 slightly bigger bass, upper mids and highs. I thought they were the best of the three and purchased them.