Midwoofer+Tweeter vs Wide band

90%++ of  our usic, Especially classical music,, falls in the 500hz-say 2500hz range.
Now I FIJNALLY!!!! Understand all the fuss and issues with a  midwoofer/tweeter thing.
Mid woofers are attempting to do 2 things, carry bass and carry 500hz-say 1500/2khz.
Tweeters, those tiny lil 1/2 inch vc's are trying tp voice 1500/2khz thriugh 10khz/15khz
Now i finally grasp whats going on here. with sens level at no more than 90db, most drivers are actually below 85dbm, regardless what the lab specs states.
Wide bands
These higher quality speakers , voice easily, with no stress and a  perfect meshing on the 60hz-12khz, anda  seamless gorgeous musical image.
Witha  TRUE REAL, Not hyped 92db sens. 
habds down the wide band 8 inch easily performs far superior to Wilson's mega money speaker line.
I have no idea why the american  audiophile will not accept the truth, the reality, of the wide band 8 inch speaker performance over the box Wilson.Vandersteen, Magnepan, Thiel speaker design. 
The chinese audiophile has long ago dumped the low sens multi driver  design for the single 8 inch wide band design. 
There is not even 1 speaker with muti drivers that offer the least interest , now that i have made the wide band discovery.

Its really a no brainer
Yet facts show the american audiophile ain't budging one bit towards the wide band speaker.
I can give 3 reasons why the multi thing has failed
And I can give 3 reasons  to go wide  band as speaker of choice

I can not find even 1 good reason to stay multi speaker.

Although I am using my wide band with Seas W 18's dual, and a  tweeter. 
Still its really a  single wide band speaker, not multi.

Many of you here have even yet to hear a  new wide band. 
Why the resistance?
Midwoofer   real main purpose if bass. 
Upper mids 800-1500   , there are issues here, with 90db less sens.
Tweeters with a  tiny 1/2 inch VC, isd not going to presenta  deep, wide , rich soundstage,
So both speakers have issues.
The mid does havea  larger VC, but with sens too low, the musical soundstage/presence suffers due to 90/less db sens.
Here is where wide  bands shine.
8 iinch has 10x's  the VC vs a  tweeter.
And 2x's if not 3x's the sens vs a  widwoofers less than 90 db sens.
The soundstage comming from the Seas Excel W18E001 (worls finest midwoofers) is tiny vs the 8 inch  wide bands, 60hz-1600hz
The Millennium vc at 1/2 inch (worlds finest tweeter) 1500hz-12khz soundstage is miniscule vs the wide bands 1500hz-12khz.

Its really no contest/
The wide band has shot the boots off the top line Wilson;'s even before Wilson has made a  draw.
Hat too, Bammm,  belt bluckle just shot off. 
Wilson's are running off with his pants down.
All 3 shots off even before Wilson made a   draw.

Wilson's can not compete with a  high quality wide band.

Seas and scan Speak are not in the same league as a  high quality  wide band
Someone please inform Troels Gravesen he is wasting his time monkeying with old dated techology.

Post removed 
Ohm Walsh Sound Cylinder: 8 inch driver that goes from 30 hz to 8000 hz! Plus it produces a coherent waveform that crosses over to an upward- angled dome tweeter for the last two octaves! These might be the BEST speakers in my collection!