Anti-Skate: Pete Riggle Engineering: A good read

I skimmed it, then later found the time to read it enough to know it’s worth passing on to anyone interested.

Anti-skate definitely needed, often overdone, perfection never achieved, less important for longer arms.

Note: he gives info about, and recommendations how to handle anti-skate, says his PRAMS device is only intended for the fastidious among us.
I just use Frank Schroeder’s technique as recommended by Peter Ledermann, as referenced. Bought a blank vinyl just for that purpose.

Works good enough for me.
Hi-Fi News Test LP has 4 tracks for anti-skating (bias) adjustment:

Bias setting ( 300 Hz tone L+R at + 12 db ) 0:15
Bias setting ( 300 Hz tone L+R at + 14 db ) 0:15
Bias setting ( 300 Hz tone L+R at + 16 db ) 0:15
Bias setting ( 300 Hz tone L+R at + 18 db ) 0:15

At the moment I'm using "12 inch FR-66fx tonearm without anti-skating.