Bass sensation like a loud car system in home?

I know this is a bit of a silly question but bear with me here:

What options are there for getting that feeling of a powerful subwoofer vibrating through your body in your home?  I know the easiest option would be to just put a capable subwoofer next to your seating and let it hit as hard as it can.  I'm also not trying to make all of my neighbors hate me so I'm looking for some creative solutions to pulling it off at reasonable residential volumes.

I'm thinking that some combination of tactile transducers in the couch and a subwoofer next to or also installed inside of the couch would get pretty close.  Being right under your body I wonder what kind of decibels would actually be required to get a bass massage going.  Without the sensation of the high volume bass it also might just seem silly and be a complete waste of time aside from watching movies.

That is not bass that is noise. Now stop riding your bike across my yard or I will have to tell your mother!

All of what you are saying about requirements for large rooms is why I thought it made the most sense to just have a sub right next to the main listening position.  FWIW the main genres I listen to are hip hop and EDM which are mostly sine wave based bottom end genres.  Just would like to feel the bass in my body without rattling things all over my house.  I’ve had the pleasure of chasing down rattles in a couple of cars and really have no desire to open floors and walls to add dampening material anytime soon.

Yep multiples of 10” are the quickest bass that can be had from a standard driver, but with servo control you can go larger.

To the quibblers here, I dare you to reproduce this song as it was performed at the 2002, I think, Bastille day celebration in Boston. Their entire stage sat on banks of 12” woofs, and it rattled the glass up and down the street, crossing into the subsonic. Music since the Synth is not your mommies orchestra.