power consumption of total components

Good day guys. I recently moved. My audio system is still boxed as I haven't done the basement renovation yet. My question concerns your rigs total electric consumption in dollars.
 My new house is not all that different from my older home. It has two heat pumps for the A/C. The new house was built in 2008. The old house in 1988. I am amazed at how much lower the electric bills are in my new place. I do have gas heat in the new house. However, my electric bill is less than 1/3 the amount of the old house. We keep the house comfortable. I live in Pennsylvania. My most recent electric bill is $149.00 for the past month. The old house would have been $450.00 or so. (The heat pumps in the old house were replaced in 2015)  The only thing not in the equation is my audio system. I did search the forums here. I see there have been discussions on how to calculate how much energy your system is using. I haven't seen any postings on actual dollar amounts. Who knows within 10 % how much your rig is costing per month?
About $9-$10 per month for me.  My system draws about 480 watts and I run it ~8 hrs per day.  My local rate is about $0.08 per kilowatt hour (it will say on your monthly bill).
Easiest and most accurate way is to put one of these in (or similar):


Measure it for a week, then you'll have your answer of watt hours. :)

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@erik_squires   That's exactly the meter I use.  It even lets you input the rate from your service provider.  No calcs needed!