Triangle Altea Esw amp recommendation

Greetings forum members! I am a novice and need help creating a descent system. I have a pair of Triangle Altea ESW speakers, an Oppo 105 player, and an Onkyo 706 SS receiver. My room is 15x20 feet. I listen to chamber, orchestral, jazz and classic rock on CD and SACD. The ESWs are bright and fatiguing with the Onkyo. I read that the Rega Brio is warm sounding for an integrated amp and may help tame some of the brightness. I also read that tube amps make an ideal (and perhaps necessary?) pairing for the bright Triangle speakers. I prefer to buy used and my budget is around $1000. I keep thinking that the ESWs could sound pretty good with the right amp! I am using standard speaker wire and RCA connectors. (I wonder if an upgrade in wire and interconnects would improve sound?) I would be very grateful for any help in improving my system. Thank you. 
"...I am using standard speaker wire and RCA connectors..."

Kimber PBJ interconnects and AQ Type4 speaker cable will tame the top end.
Not sure about the Brio but from what I read it sounds like a good pairing. The Triangles are a shade bright but once you put a good amp on them they really show their stuff, they are very good. 
This goes back about 3 years ago,but I had the chance to hear the Triangles with a Musical Fidelity integrated amp.  I just can't remember which model. I do remember that the combo sounded exceptional. Detailed,full,but not bright at all. They sounded very well balanced to my ears. 
"...Triangles with a Musical Fidelity integrated amp..."

A very good match.
Thank you russ69 and rocray. Can you tell me what Music Fidelity model would be a good pairing? I see there are several integrated amps made by Music Fidelity. Maybe someone out there has direct exoerience with the Triangle Altea ESW. Again, thanks.