warmest speaker cables you've heard?

I'm looking for a short length of speaker cables, which i need to be as warm as possible..
Price wise, looking at USD700 and below for 1m length pair.

it'll be placed in between an Apollon stereo 1et400a power amp and a RAAL-requisite SR1a speaker adaptor box.
The SR1a is ruthless and clinical and I am looking to add as much warmth as I can. 

Assume the rest of the gear and interconnects have been decided/cannot be swapped out. So just left with the speaker cables to sort out.

I've been told the following are good candidates:
Kimber 8TC
Tellurium Q Black II
Tellurium Ultra Blue

Anything else I should be looking at?
try cardas parsec iridium or older hexlink 5c

all roll off the highs a good bit, with all the attendant knock on effects

kimber 8tc is NOT warm
A small value capacitor across the speaker terminals can (may?) add some warmth. You can try caps from 100nf to 1000nf to do some fine tuning. As long as you keep the value small enough it will not attenuate high frequencies within the audible range, but filter noise that allows you to hear high frequencies w/o them being “shouty”. 

I normally use cheap orange drops to find the appropriate value and then change to a high quality film or polystyrene cap if I do see an improvement. That way I’m out $10 - $20 bucks at worst if it doesn’t work for me. 

Admittedly, I never had my girlfriend drop her pants because of them though … 😂🤣
Wire is not a tone control

Says who? Is that a “rule” you thought up yourself or did one of your narrow minded buddies tell you that?

People can do whatever they wish, they most certainly don’t need approval from the likes of you.
My Cardas Cross bi-wire set can be a little warm'ish and lush with less grain (on poor recordings) compared to some other AQ Type 4,6 Apature Silver over copper, many others I've owned and tried.  I'm looking to possibly compare them to Golden Reference this winter.