Noise from emmlabs CDSD with certain CDs

I am wondering from other emmlabs CDSD owners, how often do you encounter trouble playing certain CDs with loud spinning noises from presumably unbalanced discs ? THe sound starts off loud on the first few tracks, but usually deceases as the disc plays later tracks. I seem to be noticing this happen with more new CDs lately than I remember when I first got my system last year. Any solution ?? While I am used to this with my cheap Cambridge Audio CDP, is this to be expected with a transport of this cost ?
I apologize, I found this older thread:


(The search tools on this website are not great to go through the archives !)

Anyways, I contacted my emmlabs dealer today and look forward to hearing from them.

Nonetheless, I am curious whether others are experiencing this with various versions of the CDSD.
No problems with mine. Sounds like something is wrong with your transport mechanism.