Us: hobbyists vs perfectionists vs aural epicureans vs rampant consumers vs bad Buddhists?

Anyone care to discuss this? How do you think of yourself in reference to your urge/itch/compulsion to upgrade your system?

If you find this topic silly or pointless or offensive, why not post in another thread that interests you more?
Thanks for that link: it brought back memories of that episode and now I know where all the fools got the concept of "Q".

As for the deletions of posts, I think they should only be done on a worse case basis, and not at the whim of some thin skinned dolt. I had a post removed on that gender thread which was not, in the least, offensive, only to read a woman’s thoughts on the matter, later on, echo what I said in a more succinct manner.

We have some real losers in this hobby.

Oh, and in response to the OP's question, I don't see myself as any of the available choices. Maybe an amalgam of sorts but definitely without any foot firmly planted anywhere. I just get these urges sometimes.

All the best,
On a more prosaic level, I just love music and am fascinated with all the crazy things that can be done to get me closer to "you are there".   

The first time I crawled under the house to run a line it seemed kind of weird or at least unlikely to work. To think you can do something way out where the meter is, literally the furthest you can get from the system and still be in the house, and yet still hear improvement, is just nuts. Until you hear it. 

Also get a kick shattering conventional wisdom. Everyone "knows" there's decreasing marginal returns. Until you suspend a cable with rubber bands, which cost nothing, and it is so big an improvement everyone hears it easily. Even though it cost nothing. And I have done stuff like this over and over again.   

To answer the OP questions literally: 
hobbyists vs perfectionists vs aural epicureans vs rampant consumers vs bad Buddhists? 
Hobbyist? Yes. Perfectionist? Sometimes. Aural epicurean? Yes, but also partial to stoicism. Rampant consumer? NO! Furthest thing from it! Bad Buddhist? No, a quite good Buddhist I would think. Technically more Zen Master, although I am working on perfecting my Buddha belly.