New Speakers for $2000

Hello, new to the forums and wanted to ask your guys' advice for my next step up. My system right now is Lossless Files -> Benchmark DAC1 USB -> Cambridge Audio 650A -> Jamo 707 (Speakers from the early 90s I think).

I have about $2000 maybe up to $2200 MAX to spend on speakers. My sound preferences as you can tell from my set up is fairly neutral.

I went to the local hi-fi shop recent and listened to MartinLogan Electromotion. I found that they both lack bass extension which wouldn't really be a problem but also that they have a really lax midrange (too lazy for metal).

My wants in order of preference are:
-Sound stage width
-Good highs
-Not so slow mids that it'd make listening to heavier music unenjoyable
-A decent amount of bass or even slightly weak on punch is fine

Any recommendations are welcome and thanks in advance.
Tekton Pendragons are as good as I've ever heard. $2500 Internet direct with trial period. No way a Brick and Mortar store with distributors, and their overhead can compete. And maybe you can find a local audition? That's what I did and loved them immediately. Just my $.02.
As a fellow student, I encourage you to buy used. I love supporting the dealers and the companies, but we have plenty of time to do that after we graduate...I listen to jazz, classical, classic rock, and metal. It is next to impossible to find a speaker around 2k that will reproduce all those genres correctly. With that said, if you do listen to mostly metal I highly recommend a speaker that satisfies your first 5 requests then pair it with either a vandersteen sub or rel sub(strata III). Some say that adding a sub may interfere with the coherancy of the speakers...and for jazz and classical I tend to agree...but for rock and metal, a sub will take your system to another level.

My final advice, buy used on audiogon. Only buy if the speakers have their original box, manual, spikes, etc. Dont buy until listening to those speakers locally. Finally trust your ears and only take peoples recommondations with a grain of salt (including mine). We all of our own preferances and point of view. Afterall its what makes this hobby so fun!

Speakers I recommend for you:

Used Magnepan 1.6 (900-1000 used) pair with rel stata III (750 used). (Total: 1750) Nad or Rotel equptment will be a good match.

Your first couple of wants kinda spells out maggies! They also have stellar highs. Again with the rel...bass wont be a problem even with some the most brutal double bass action! Do make sure you have some room tho...maggies need room...and power.

Merlin TSM monitors (1100-1600 used depending on model) Also pair with the rel. (Total: 1850-2350)

I have owned merlins before and find them to have a very forward sound. Not in a negative way tho. Very bitey, clean, fast as hell, and uber transparent midrange. This pairing would also sound nice with tons of other music. The merlin is such a neutral speaker...whats on the recording is what you hear. My experience told me this: merlins have that hifi feeling with also that live type of sound mixed in. The soundstage is very realistic and just lets the music take over. Lets not even start to talk about the resolution...its better than any other speaker you would be willing to fork the cash for....

Good luck man, its awesome to see another student up here!
Not to be sarcastic, but it seems like the OP's wish list encompasses all of the great attributes of a perfect speaker system. Ok so he said he did not need bass slam. I would think that there are many 20,000 speakers that could not meet all of these preferences. I am surprised someone has not said that this is a tall order to fill for two grand. Or maybe , I am off base and there are many or a few that can meet all of these.
01-21-12: Toddnkaya
Not to be sarcastic, but it seems like the OP's wish list encompasses all of the great attributes of a perfect speaker system. Ok so he said he did not need bass slam. I would think that there are many 20,000 speakers that could not meet all of these preferences. I am surprised someone has not said that this is a tall order to fill for two grand. Or maybe , I am off base and there are many or a few that can meet all of these.
Good point, but not quite true: Besides not asking for deep powerful bass, he didn't mention anything about wide dynamic range or the ability to play at live concert levels. There are many stand-mounted speakers that meet all his criteria--$2K will buy many different mini-monitors, any of which will provide that imaging and soundstaging, plus airy highs and a transparent midrange. It's when you try to maintain those characteristics and add in dynamic range and bass extension that it gets expensive. The Nola Boxer sounds like an excellent match at $1500 (or Paradigm Studio Ref), and if he adds this excellent sub from SVS he'd still meet budget and be able to do the metal thing fine as well.