"...a ridiculously priced fuse to throw shade at the reasonably priced ones..."

A shade? That is a full blackout. In order of 1:1000.
"Just how many here went to the link I provided and listened to what the engineers at Yamaha found?"

It seems I am the second one.
"^^^ My cell phone keeps perfect time. Do I need this?


Why not check it for yourself? It is returnable. What do you have to lose?
"So, it's official. We've found an outer limit where even MC agrees, this is Bull$$$$"

And lo and behold, yet another prophecy given to the Children of Fatima on May 13, 1917, has been fulfilled.  And there was much Rejoicing (yaaaaaaaay).

"Just how many here went to the link I provided and listened to what the engineers at Yamaha found?"

Me three.