Favorite cable brand.

Interested to hear opinions regarding brand favorites. My personal favorites, at the moment,  are Kimber and Goertz. Two very different sounds yet both quite enjoyable. What are your favorites?
Started back in the early ‘80’s before all the whiz bang stuff was available, never bought into the hype. I do like good looking cables though so I always made my own. Just found a receipt where I paid 25 cents a foot for pure copper 16 ga 8 wire braided speaker wire.......in 1990.
I have had a lot of BEL, then the mid-price Cardas.    Recently upgraded my balanced interconnects and speaker cables to the designs of Colin Wonfor, sold by ABCaudio in the U.K.    Colin was the original designer of the Telerium Q cables.   
I am totally floored by the recent upgrade.  So impressed that I’m considering buying EXTRA cables for different speaker set ups.