Sellers: When do you drop your price?

Selling my first piece of gear.  I've had a lot of views but no offers. It's been about 5 days. Great condition, 2 years old, offering about about 1/3rd off. No original box.

Perhaps all gear is particular, so if that's so, we can end this thread right here. But in case there's a general bit of advice, How long do you let an ad marinate before adjusting the price?
@dill, @sokogear,
I wrote extensively about the nature of the inheritance, I listed examples, I explained that inheritance is not free, someone paid for it, etc. .It would not only be stupid but immoral to give it away to the person I inherited from. S/he worked hard knowing full well someone would inherit it, and would want me to benefit, hence I WAS THE BENEFICIARY on his will, inheriting. By your logic.... wait.... you have no logic. Are you really this ignorant to not read my responses? .We are now at 3rd grade level. I think you just don't want to understand. Please judge me however you want, I am done explaining. We are going in circles and you are ignoring my arguments. 
-You are making way too many assumptions.
" The fact that my relative bought it, stole it, built it - irrelevant if I don’t know the source."
-Now you are saying:
" S/he worked hard knowing full well someone would inherit it, and would want me to benefit, hence I WAS THE BENEFICIARY on his will, inheriting"
So, which is is? You really don't have an argument to ignore. Other then maybe some taxes, the inheritance is free to you or did you work for it?