New-ish to Audiogon Forums... Is it always like this?

I have been trying to be more involved in the forums over the last couple weeks, and I'm noticing a trend already. It seems that when someone asks for a recommendation for a piece of equipment, they provide little to no room/system context. In a couple threads, I've asked the OP to provide more information, such as system information, preferences, requirements, and the like, and ended not getting much more information. The thread ends up being a running list of members' favorite gear, whether it really helps the OP or not. Is this the norm? If so, I'll probably stop trying to be more involved.
Again, thanks for the insights. It seems there a quite a few good folks here who are respectful, reasonable, and generally caring. That makes me happy. Here's to the good contributors out there. To all the selfish riffraff: prepare to be ignored.
I have found the information and help many folks here offer extremely valuable, especially in terms of my decision-making before spending big bucks.On the other hand, I am strongly repelled by those who are unkind, rude, denigrating, or aggressive with their posts. One of my values is civil discourse, and it can be difficult to  tolerate the problem folks while I am gaining from the others.
As others have said, this seems to be the nature of anonymous forms.
I like to read the questions and responses, though I don’t have the knowledge or experience with various equipment that others do.  I try not to jump in unless I have something useful to add . . but I just jumped in, didn’t I?  Oh well.
I found this site by accident roughly 6m ago. I was looking for good used at a reasonable price.  I know zip about equipment or room effects etc. but I like to listen to music. 
What I found heartwarming in these dark times was the willingness of most members to offer sincere valuable advice and I might add some good deals.  I recognized that regulars here get requests like mine every day. I also understand from reading their post they could easily brush me off like a fly for my fundamental lack of knowledge as I know it must get boring. I ended up purchasing my components here and after burn-in ( new used and local) I have a big smile on my face.  I am extremely grateful for the member's time and willingness to share.
By the way, I just started looking up posts by those who posted into the thousands and it's like I hit a motherload of insightful stuff but as been said adnauseam as with anything you have to separate the chaff from the wheat, but lots of wheat to eat here. Thanks again guys.
In closing give it some more time and check out the senior member's posts. 
@daveman2...You'll find the occasional thread that IS informative, has cognitive clarity, and may be useful...and may even be entertaining in the process.  Like many forum sites, one has to winnow the chaff to garner the wheat....
Many respond (imho) with what they've owned, their experiences with X,Y, Z, and how it has been a + or (eventually) a - to them after finding the next best thing....and such is life.
Best is to just 'lurk' and glean from others' experiences of what they've owned, why they enjoyed it, what drew them to it, why they dumped it and moved on, or whatever you look to learn from their thrashing about.
And then, there's those who've found The Answer to their Search.
That, in itself, may be the Answer to your particular interests....

I stay away from suggesting Anything to anyone.  I haven't been exposed to all the potential equipment, speakers, and various 'n sundry means and methods that one can apply to things audio.  I don't have the time, the disposable income, nor the desire to endlessly do so.

I amuse self with what I can afford towards what I like to experience in my own space, flawed as it may be.  Perfection is a Myth, the answer to which is subject to ones' own predilections..... and budget.

Do what you like, and what sounds Good to You, in your given space to do so, with that which does so.  Yes, it may take time and trial to accomplish such.  But that's half the entertainment value of doing so.

Welcome to the Chase.  You Will tire of it, eventually. ;)
Have fun in the meanwhile, J