Pass Labs vs. Sugden

Has anyone had the chance to compare Pass Labs with Sugden? Any apples to apples comparisons -- amp to amp, integrated to integrated, etc.?

Been reading and seeing articles on Sugden, but in the States and on this forum, Pass Labs dominates. Is that because Sugden sells mainly overseas or is there a real basis in how they're made, sound, etc. Interested in sonic and bang-for-buck opinions if you have had experience.
I have the Pass Int-25 and it's a fantastic amp. At 51 lbs. it's no lightweight but I imagine it's infinitely more manageable than the Int-60 or 250. It's no lightweight in price either, especially compared to Sugden. However, this little amp goes way beyond it's conservative power rating and there are demo units regularly available at Reno HiFi. Mine was a demo but essentially new. Something to consider.
Pass Lab's reputation is so legendary, it almost seems like the only Class A game in town. That's why Sugden is so interesting to me.
Clayton Audio is lesser known but makes very highly regarded Class-A amps that you may also want to explore.  There’s also Plinius.  FWIW. 
I'm a Sugden dealer......They build some flat out awesome gear, and sit at a price point that tends to be a bit less than Pass.

Pass is for sure nice stuff, but the Sugden sound is quite amazing.  Build quality is also very good.  

There's a reason Sugden has been in business for over 50 years now!