Anyone Have M2Tech Gear? Looking for opinions

I'm thinking about getting M2Tech gear The Evo Hiface Evo 2 USB to SPDIF adapter with the optional clock and power supply. I have a Berkley Alpha USB but it only has one output and I need more flexibility. The Evo Hiface will give me that. I have never seen the units and there is no local shop that demonstrates them. I will have to buy them blind.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

I have sad news. I got the three units as ordered. One of the switches on the Clock did not work. The HiFace Evo 2 sounded Ok by itself but it only lasted an hour before going AWOL. M2Tech USA dealt with the problem with dignity and they refunded all my money before I even go the units back to FedX. My sense was that they were very embarrassed. 
Sorry to hear that. Good to know the US distributer was honest. Makes one wonder about M2Tech QA.
I have the M2 Tech Vaughn DAC that I purchased from a friend after replacing some PS caps that had failed in the unit. As you may know, the unit runs on battery power that gets charged when the battery runs low. Best digital I've heard in my system but unfortunately I've had problems. I've lost 3 of the 4 S/PDIF inputs and not sure why. The USB input is the piece de resistance of the unit but unfortunately it develops a small popping noise that gets progressively worse as time goes on so I stick with the BNC S/PDIF input via a PrimaLuna Prologue 8 feeding it. Also, the S/PDIF input will develop a static like noise and I have to pause the CD player several times to clear it. I am running the DAC and CD player from balanced power that is well filtered and grounded so I'm at a loss as to the noise issues but damn does the unit sound good!
@nmmusicman , The similarities to a Ferrari are rather striking! What would life be without Italians. Wonderful people, the best metallurgists in the world. Not so hot with electronics.