Stereo systems are like Harleys

You'll never see two exactly alike. They are an expression of the owners ideas on design and performance, usually within the construct of a budget. Often put together over time with new and used parts.

I love that about this hobby. How boring would it be if we all had the same ideas of how a system should sound or look?

When you go to any kind of a rally, be it a poker run, charity ride or whatever.... it's customary to just walk around, checking out other peoples rides and chatting it up. It's a great way to meet people and have fun. Oddly, those bikers who's stigma is to be rowdy and obnoxious, are the nicest people I've met. Never once have I ever heard comments like DUH you should done this or that with your bike. Everything and everybody is accepted as is.

Perhaps some folks around here could learn a thing or two from the bikers. 

Like a Harley?  I hope not.  Harley's are all image.  I was in the power sports business, including owning a successful race team, for over two decades.   The last ten years were with Harley Davidson dealers, as a salesman, sales manager, finance manager, and internet manager.  Although there is no doubt that some so-called audiophiles are more concerned with image and looks than sound (Well, that is akin to Harley stuff.),  when we sold Dan Marino and Dave Wannstedtt's Harley's for them, I learned the term, "Garage Jewelry".  Their nearly ten year old bikes, with way under a thousand miles for the pair, certainly qualified for the moniker, but unlike audio Harley's, audio systems must perform, including when being compared to other brands.  In the East Tennessee and Western North Carolina mountains, my crowd called Harley's, "Moving Chicanes".  We just had to ride around these loud beasts, most often on our brakes.  Few audio systems totally qualify as "Den Jewelry", because they must perform, which Harley's do not, unless you are happy paying a fortune for two cylinders from a 100 year old radial airplane engine to fail at keeping up with a Japanese sport bike of 20% the displacement, and price; and without an ounce of fine detail such as handling and brakes.  I have my audio electronics in a small room adjacent to my speaker room.  The system is for sound and performance, not for impressing people who stream music on their MegaBoom's, or add chrome... uh, speaker wire trestles and big meters for show.   As a sociologist, I will be nice, and not discuss the political and human rights beliefs of Harley's Hog Club members.

  +1 to crazy eddy ! Gorgeous Panhead and nice system !                                                 To those that point out the poor design and high prices for Harleys , I totally agree . But it’s like having a rusty McIntosh tube amp and Altec VOT’s . It’s flipping cool and loaded with personality . I also have vintage Marantz and Sansui SS receivers . Vintage JBL and Klipsch speakers . In the living room I have Zu. In the bedroom I have Audeeze cans on a SS Dac/amp .       My point is it’s ALL COOL , none of it is bad , it just differs !  One of the joys of this is riding other people’s bikes and listening to other systems . It’s all good stuff .            😎.   Riddle me this ... What happens to old Harley Riders when they die ? They go to Heaven and get a Gold Wing ....                                     
I invite everyone to pull down this track and run it on your main system. Crank it up. Loads of fun!

Don't bother if all you're going to do is listen on headphones or your desktop speakers.  Waste of time.  Put it on the big system.

Donny’s Harley
Stereo systems like Harley's.... my stereo starts when I push the on button and it doesn't leak oil.