tube magic with digital source?

Is the "magic" of tube amplification more pronounced when listening to an analog source as opposed to a digital source?

It's been a long time since I have listened to either vinyl or tube amplification. Currently I listen to Tidal and Qobuz exclusively, through a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400. I sometimes take analog out of the Lyngdorf into my Pass XA30.5 if I want to try to coax a little more warmth out of the sound. But as good as the Pass, which I have had for several years, is, it doesn't sound that different from the Lyngdorf's amp on the vast majority of recordings. That surprised me a lot when I first got the Lyngdorf. 

What I am wondering is, is a high quality tube amp as likely to present as much of that subtle (or not so subtle) holographic magic if the source is digital?

Millercarbon, are you saying that there is no difference in Tube vs SS if you're listening to digital source? Maybe I misunderstand your reply but
my experience is completely opposite. I routinely use a digital source in both SS and Tube amplification with several different speakers. I think tube amps definitely introduce warmth, holographic image and sweetness that's lacking in SS. I use a SET. It's day and night different. Even when I use a tube preamp with SS it still sounds SS. But a tube amp changes everything. Adding an analog source, of course, will make the sound even better and tubes will really shine. I also agree with you, I think tubes are more accurate in every way in music reproduction. Instruments and voices sound real. 
I think, it is more a question of if it's worth it when the source is quite weak. 
Well, SET, it's a different world.
What I am wondering is, is a high quality tube amp as likely to present as much of that subtle (or not so subtle) holographic magic if the source is digital?

The right tube amp or preamp can help your system, with digital source, to sound more holographic than it sounds now. However, holographic sound depends on much more than having a turntable or a tube amp. It’s a whole system/setup/room combination.

What DAC are you using? The wrong DAC can sound two dimensional. Having your speakers too close to the front wall can do it too. Those are two of the cheapest and easiest potential fixes I can come up with off the top of my head.

I would start a thread, or search for one, on how to obtain holographic sound. It would be very helpful if you post pictures of your system and room in the Virtual Systems section of Audiogon and list all your components, including speakers. Also, tell us what you like and dislike about the sound you have now and what improvements you’d like to hear.

There’s no simple answer to getting more holographic sound, although it’s possible to chance into it by inserting a new component into your system. More likely it’s going to take more work than that, though.

I know you’d much rather get a simple answer, but I don’t have one, anyway.

I'm using a cheap blue sound node with a Mastersound 845 SET. It sounds magical. I just bought an aurender A100 and hope it will improve the sound, though I can't imagine my set up sounding better.