Your shipping wrecks. USPS,FED-EX and UPS

Well the e-bay USPS shipping has fallen apart, and the e-bay Fed-Ex is not much better......A 4000.00 CD player missing for 20 days by USPS, A box of 50 fuses , says delivered , but nobody knows where ???..........2 cartridges and a headshell...delivered today, but nobody knows where ??........You put a tracking number in Fed-Ex all it says is late delivery, and never tells where it is.....So be careful with Christmas Presents..........The only way I can track USPS is go to the Post Office ans have them track it, if I track it all it says is late arrival......
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No, I was a loyal soldier for my country for  well over decade ,A Platoon Sgt. and a good one at that . What did you do other than blabber ?

I changed when I saw US Forces killing innocent women and children .Of course rightwingnuts call it Collateral Damage . And decent Christians murder.
Every other developed country has medical insurance , only people
in the world who are are against are the profoundly evil  US rightwingnuts.Rest assured Satan will reward you for it . In spades .

Lets keep Satan out of this shall we. And my blabbering is only in response to your whinging about the U.S.

So without the right leaning wingnuts this would be a great country? Oh yes and single payer medical coverage.

Oh and by the way might want to check on the religious protection records of some of these idyllic countries in which you choose not to live.

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Wow I am really glad I cant think. The alternative, evidently, would be tortuous as is reading your response.