Inexpensive MM Cartridge

Hi All.  I'm helping a friend who has a late 1970's Pioneer PL12 turntable. The manual TT is in good working order, bearing and motor lubed, etc. We need a MM cartridge to mount on the stock S-shaped tonearm.  Budget is up to around $300.  Suggestions please!  Thanks, and Happy Holidays!

RE: Goldring 1042

I have a SOTA with a Jelco 850 Mk II arm. Am still running my Mani as a phono stage (yes, even with the Soundsmith), so capacitance is preset within. I’m running at the Standard 47k and 42db gain. It’s a ‘hot’ cart, and wish I could select closer to 38, but 30 is my only other choice (or higher). Haven’t tried 30, but that may be a bit too low.

As far as VTA, yes, it takes some fiddling, but most all carts need that. Not really a big deal. I’m still experimenting, but pleased.

Anyway, it sounds great even with my modest Mani. Again, very happy with the Goldring and its performance, tone, detail, etc. Better than I was expecting.
i run ortofon 2M blue on my fluance, w emotiva xps1 gen2 phono stage w great results....budget killers

it's easy to find this cart under CAD150 in bulk pkg....lists CAD299

I think the AT VM95 series gets the most votes here. I personally think the ML version has the best stylus. For a $170 dollar cartridge it is an unbelievable stylus. In this situation I see no reason to spend more money than this. I do not think you get significantly better until you get to $400-$500. Even Raul agrees and that says something. After using one of these I firmly believe that AT makes the best economy cartridges. 
I have a Pioneer PL-530 which is a couple of steps up from your model. These tables with their S-shaped tonearms are not capable of extracting the most from very expensive cartridges. If the table was originally bought with a cartridge included it was probably a Shure budget model. On my table I have a Grado Gold cart. Works well given my setup. Well under the $300 budget. However, the phono stage in the system is just as important as the cart.

Auditioning cartridges is almost impossible unless there is a return option. Probably hard to find. Best other forums and try to find other opinions for that particular table. Good Luck.
Thanks everyone for your excellent advice!  This is a thread I will keep aware of.  I ended up getting a really good deal on a demo Nagaoka MP-200 from a trusted dealer, but from the posts above, it may be better than the rest of the system benefit from.  Oh well.  Perhaps there will be another TT that comes into the throw, and we can swap cartridges. I think this thread will help others in a similar situation.