Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Jewelry works everytime. Diamonds rule...I spoke to Sean at Zu and I'm sending back my 1.5s to put towards the 4s. I am very excited.
Warren, consider Cosmic Carbon. My girlfriend picked this finish, followed by the earrings she always wanted, so it was a happy day for both of us 6 months ago when I paid for the lot! I think it's a fantastic finish, mates nicely with the Al driver rings, tweeter lens and base plate. So much more interesting than the standard black I was initially considering.
Be prepared for the familiarity of the Zu DNA of your current Defs, evolved into a heightened experience all 'round. Primarily a quantum leap in transparency and jump factor with the new Nanotec FRDs, much more powerful and integrated bass with the single fully adjustable down firing sub, and more natural extended treble response with the new Radian 850 tweeter. Really feel you'd have to spend 3x the amount to get any meaningful significant improvements with any other spkr (shudder to think what the $60k+ Dominances are capable of).
This will be a real treat marrying a brand spanking new pair of speakers to a system, without the usual worry of speaker/electronics disagreements. This is going to be fun. I'm looking forward to sharing my tunes with you guys. Zu is back ordered, so my order will not happen until the end of January.
I'm interested in the Intertechnik Audyn Copper for the Zu's. I was already placing an order to put the Audyns in my amp and would love to know the size and number needed for the Zus. Anybody know?
Cheers and Happy Holidays to you all:)
Phil, I'm going to try and audition the Audion Black Shadows in the New Year. Will partner it with an Audion pre. I notice there is a choice of premier and 2/4 box Quattros. Other than the phono stage in the 2/4 box, is there any major difference in the line stage section of these three units?