How much discount typically for a new MC275 to expect from a dealer?

I'm not interested at this time going used. No stock in my area, I'll have to order or go out of town. McIntosh has a pretty tight grip on their dealers, so I imagine not finding any here on AG. Just curious what to expect when making an offer. I'm not going to pay full retail. Ideas, thoughts? I'm not interested in other brands or amp ideas. I'm just researching Macintosh at this point in time. 
Cash Flow is the key words here, if you are willing to look for deal, you will get a deal, of course you have to be reasonable, but 20% is reasonable for McIntosh :)
Yeah, akdm  I think OVERTURE can kiss that franchise goodbye! What I wonder is: what motivated any Mac dealer to take 20% off within the first 20 minutes.  I worked in some of the biggest Mac dealers in the country and know that NO retailer does that just because there's that much extra profit. 
Maybe hire a stripper to go in with you to sweeten the deal?
Good suggestions if I combine stripper and CASH, I may get even better deal ;)