Penafrips, MHDT Labs DACs versus Integrated amps for home office

Carrying this over from another discussion.  Apologies for being verbose, but...  I am on the hunt for DAC and amp combo with awesome sound quality and would appreciate any thoughts. I have a 10x10 ft home office, which I spend many work and after hours in. So, I have been trying to upgrade my sound, but am not able to invest gazilllions. I stream Tidal MQA and HiFi via USB from my MacbookPro using Tidal's app.  I listen via speaker, no headphone, no vinyl.  

I want wide & deep soundstage, clarity, and great sound at lower volumes. "3D soundstage", "holographic", etc.

Here's what I have so far. (amps will be in a bake off)
  • Canton Vento 830.2 speakers (very "revealing")
  • Peachtree Nova 300 integrated (with internal DAC)
  • Cambridge Audio Azur 851A integrated amp (but no internal DAC)
  • NuPrime IDA-8 with internal DAC

I love the Peachtree so far, but want to give the Cambridge a fair shot, which requires that I buy a DAC (less than a $1000-$1200 if possible). The loser of this bakeoff will be for sale as soon as I decide...

So, For DACs, after countless rabbit hole hours researching, I think that I have narrowed it down to the Penafrips Ares 2 (cannot afford the Pontus) and MHDT Istanbul (cannot afford the Orchid or Pagoda). Cannot afford the Chord QUTest either.   But open to suggestions!

I had also considered the RME ADI-2 DAC but I am afraid that it would be too sterile/harsh/fatiguing with my Canton speakers... (the NuPrime IDA-8 is awesome, but it was fatiguing and wimpy bass with my speakers unless turned up pretty loud). So, it is not a match, and I fear that the RME might be similar.  But who knows...

Hence my interest in the power supply of the Cambridge (class XD) to compare against the Peachtree's, as well as the Penafrips and MHDT hooked up to the Cambridge to compare with the Peachtree (class D) and its internal DAC.  Of course, I'd try one of the externals with the Peachtree just to compare... 

In summary, I want wide & deep soundstage, clarity, and great sound at lower volumes but will kick it up on occasion. "3D soundstage", "holographic", etc.  

Any comments and advice on this would be immensely helpful!  I am research fatigued...


The newest Bifrost 2. Don't get me wrong, I love the Orchid too and don't necessarily prefer one over the other. I use the DAC in that system a lot more and being able to just leave it on and not have to worry about wearing out tubes was part of my consideration for moving the Orchid into another system.
That was the LM and the Harbeths you were hearing.  In your shoes I'd have gone for a Denafrips Ares ii.
The Denafrips looks nice. The Harbeths and LM are amazing, but they're not going to polish a turd. The Bifrost sounds really good with my Simaudio 600i and Harbeth P3ESRs.
denafrips voicing is more treble-lively than mhdt or audio mirror or metrum

i found the ares 2 to have a sibilance issue similar to the bifrost mb ... went to pontus and the sibilance was much reduced, sounds much more natural... still denafrips dacs through their range (have had terminator too) are voiced with more treble energy than other dacs... so how well it works in one’s system is a function of component matching and one’s taste for what tonality

i think many harbeth users would like dena dacs as they provide that little bit of 'liveliness' and 'air' on the top end, something harbeths can use a little of to come alive
I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving!  I really appreciate all of the suggestions and discussion.  It is really helpful and educational. I am just getting into all of this, and clearly you all are a quite a few audio quality "revs" ahead of me, but you have given me some practical things to consider and components to aspire to!

I will try to address you all's comments.

My little home office is also my little sound cave, my guitar/studio room, etc.  And this stereo system is my primary system.  The HT system is basic and sufficient for the family upstairs. 

-- jjss49:
I agree my post is confusing.  Apologies.

  • Am I committed to the Cantons?  I'd say yes for a while until I can get some additional $$$ together.   So, I am looking for a DAC and amp to maximize the Cantons for now.  What I have bought so far is for a bake off...   
  • I was hoping that either the Cambridge or Peachtree and the Canton's will sustain me as my starter set with the addition of an external DAC to test with the Cambridge.  I would keep one of those setups for now and sell the other. The NuPrime is already up for sale... and will subsidize the DAC purchase to complete this bakeoff setup...
  • Budget? To pair with the Cambridge or Peachtree, I'd like to keep the DAC to under $1000, but if that is a waste, and $1200 brings me in a good sonic door, then I'd stretch to afford.  If you all advised me to scrap and start over,  I would sell everything and I'd say budget for amp & DAC is $2000-$2400 for now.   

  • Used ok?  Absolutely!  
-- mesch: 
Thanks very much for your questions to consider...  Hopefully my little bake off will help me answer these! RE: the MQA, In the scheme of things, I am not really concerned about that right now.  The Tidal software does some unpacking...

--big greg:
Thank you for your equipment suggestions.  I am tracking these used  now and aspiring! 
  • The Harbeths may be in my future... But cannot afford now.  But I now hear them whispering to me... (-:
  • MHDT Orchid.  Yes, one of my "stretch" DAC options. Ditto the Audio Mirror.  But the Denafrips Ares 2 may be fine.  The problem is I have to pick one, decide, and sell it if not a keeper. Which is a PITA and sucks for cash flow, especially around the holidays. 
Thanks again everyone for your patience and assistance in making my starter system the best it can be with the limited funds I that can allocate.

Have a great Sunday!