Prefered Amplifiers to run with Harbeth M40.1

As the owner of the Harbeth M40.1, I'm seeking advice from owners of this fine speaker as to which amplifiers they have found to be the most synergistic in terms of overall grip on the bass. I find the bass hard to tame and wonder whether going from tube to SS might be a better match. I'd like to hear from those who have compared tube to SS with my particular model. Associated amp is a Audiomat Opera Reference integrated.
Although Im not a fan of Harbeth at all,I would go with a quicker SS amp as suggested, Pass labs.The 40.1 is somewhat sluggish and rounded for lack of a better term IMO.As a Jadis owner for 2 decades it would be one of the last amps I would suggest for the 40.1s.
A "better term" would be musical, beautiful, and engaging. I do agree that Jadis would not be my choice for this speaker, would match better with something like Dynaudio - but that is another thread. The Pass would certainly work very well, though Mr. Shaw might recommend a >$1000 Quad amp.
A "better term" would be musical, beautiful, and engaging

You forgot,IMO.. as alot would disgree with that statement ,as you do with mine.The bottom line for original poster is a quicker amp may help with issues.
Your view of the Harbeth sound seems to be in the minority, but not sure that matters or proves anything either way. I did not add IMO, because I think that is the view of most folks that have heard Harbeth, overwhelmingly one can find the words "musical, beautiful, and engaging" used by those describing their house sound, as well as "draws you in". Now I chose not to buy Harbeth as I prefer something a bit more incisive, transparent, and faster, and I assume you do to (I think on a different post you mentioned you penchant for Dynaudio). And yes, your amp recommendation seem like the right approach in matching with Harbeth - we agree:)