T+A MP3100HV how close to the SD/SDV3100HV

I know we have a few dealers of T+A gear on here.

The MP3100HV is the swiss army knife with SACD/FM/Streaming/Internet Radio/DAC. How good is the DAC compared to the SD/SDV3100HV? Or should I say how close is the DAC section of the MP to the SD/SDV?

My CD collection is on a NAS and I use Roon for streaming. I guess the transport is a nice to have but the DAC section is what I'm most concerned with. 

Or you can ask that question to T+A direct at [email protected]

Bernd typically replies in 1-2 business days.

In terms of the DAC, for the SD / SDV 3100: Double-Differential-Quadruple-Converter with four 32-Bit Sigma-Delta D/A-Converter per channel. 705,6 / 768 kSps conversion rate

For the MP 3100: Double-Differential-Quadruple-Converter with four 32-Bit Sigma Delta D/A converters per channel. 352.4 / 384 kSps conversion rate

As we know, the DAC chip is only small part of the story. Other factor as the implementation, analog output stage, power supply, clock, etc. are more important. Then there is the streaming client (the network bridge built in both). I know for the MP is based on a Pi platform. I don’t know about the SD / SDV
Based on David Schultz, the SD/SDV is an all out assault on digital. It has the latest and greatest of parts and designs. I heard a SDV in Austin, TX when I was looking for a streamer. The SDV is actually what got me interested in T+A as I had never heard the gear before. It was clearly some of the best digital I had ever heard. 

Now from what I was told the MP is hard to beat for someone looking for a multiple source player. I was told if I go for the MP I would probably keep it for years. It is supposed to be that good.

If I get a chance to listen to the MP I will report back. I need to get one for a home demo. I would love to see how it compares to the MSB Discrete and Premier. 

@bryans Thanks for the update. Looking forward to hearing about and learning from your impressions after you demo the MP.