“BLOCK” Function?

  I’ve tried a search here for such a function,and I’ve come up empty. Is there a way to block certain members? Not just from personal messages,but so they don’t show up in any topic I’m reading. Sometimes it’s nice to ask a question and learn something without someone trying to rub your nose in your lack of knowledge like a dog that did his business in the house.  I am all for learning from others. That’s one of the reasons I frequent this site. However,there are some folks here that do have vast knowledge, but are as abrasive as 40 grit sandpaper. For those folks I’m ready to throw the baby out with the bath water.  

jjss49 wrote:  " broad hifi forum "
Now there's an idea I can fully support. We need more broads here.
rocray...I feel your pain. I have thought about this a lot. People can hide behind their fictitious names and be whatever they want to be and lash out and insult people just because they can. These same people might be respectful, polite, and courteous in person, but give them the sense of security afforded by the internet and they are buoyed by false courage. We're talking about audio equipment on these forums and I am trying to learn. I don't like to be insulted and, even more, I don't like to see others insulted and demeaned. Most of the people on these forums don't have a problem with someone having a difference of opinion -  it's how they express that different opinion. A few do it with arrogance, condescension and derision. Like you, I don't understand why people have to resort to name-calling and downright nastiness. Marxists? Where the hell did that come from. Every once in a while there are threads in which everyone gets along. Unfortunately, there are people who don't seem to want that. In the immortal words of Rodney King; "Can't we all just get along?"
tyray...Sorry. I should have read your post before I posted mine. You pretty much covered everything I had to say.

Can you just imagine getting all the members here in a bar together ( all social distancing of course 😁).

5 minutes? 10?
Before the first bottle is smashed.

Sounds like a fun night out!