Spatial Audio open baffle speakers, who has them? Worthwhile change from Maggies?

Of late have been eying the Spatial Audio line of open baffle speakers and like what I have seen and read so far.
Now I am extremely happy with my baby Maggies which have easily bested any and all box speakers in my room ( that I can afford anyways!).
So looking for opinions and views from actual owners of said open baffle speakers, what did you change from and what are the real strengths of the Spatials?
Not short of horsepower to feed them even though they do not need much juice by all accounts but you know the old saying, " too much is never enough!"
Thanks in advance.
They are well built but pretty sure if I jump on them I am going to break something.😁
 I take it that if you can’t get 3 feet or so off the wall it isn’t worth the price of admission?  
Not sure on that, likely to still sound very good but maybe not deliver their best without free air around them.
Mine are now approx 4ft from back wall and 4.5ft from side walls, a recent change that is a couple inch more than previous which gave even more solid bass and mids.

Best visit AudioCircle where there are numerous Spatial speaker threads with a lot of knowledge especially on setup.
Good luck and enjoy if you enter the world of Spatial.
Mine are going nowhere unless I win the lottery...famous last words I know!
How have the Spatials worked out for you? I currently have a pair of the original Spatial M3's, and a pair of 1.7i Maggies. In my room, the Maggies are easily the winner, but it may be a different story with some of the newer M3's, such as the Turbo S, etc. Just curious as to what you've decided. One of these days I'm going to connect with Clayton and listen to the Sapphires (I live in Utah). 
Uber, I have had my Emerald Physics 3.4s for about 4 months now. 3 days ago I increased the toe in less than 5*s and BAM. Im still in shock